Blown Away by Derech Eretz: 3’s Important Shofar Lesson

All four 3’s PreSchool classes trekked up to the Epstein Chapel for the annual pre-Rosh Hashanah exploration last week, where Rabbi Chai demonstrated his shofar-blowing skills. The demonstration developed into another important Rosh Hashanah lesson – showing our friends derech eretz, honorable and respectful behavior.
Prior to the Epstein Chapel expedition, Morah Alicia prepared her students for the experience, particularly those who are frightened by loud noises. Together, they did some problem solving, discussing strategies for managing their fears prior to the shofar blowing.
“Not knowing any of this, Rabbi Posner observed that some of the children looked apprehensive, and he asked them if they were scared,” shared Morah Alicia. Knowing that they were, he adapted his entire presentation, showing the students that a shofar can actually whisper. “He began with the softest shofar blowing you have ever heard and slowly built up to louder and louder sounds, evaluating the children’s comfort along the way,” said Alicia. Rabbi Chai even brought out an array of shofarot and even tried to blow them together in different combinations!
“It is an amazing experience for the children,” says Morah Brenda. Adds Morah Alicia, “I wanted to help make sure that Rosh Hashanah does not become traumatic for them. Rabbi Posner could not have been more insightful and accommodating!”

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

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Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.