
Centennial Campaign

Investing in Our Legacy. Investing in Our Future.

Last fall, Beth Tfiloh embarked on a $25,000,000 capital and endowment Centennial Campaign, designed to secure and sustain Beth Tfiloh for you, your children, and your children’s children. The primary goal of the Centennial Campaign is to address the most pressing needs of our Congregation and School, allowing our BT community to continue fulfilling its mission of embracing and nurturing a diverse cross-section of Jews.

Campaign Priorities


Our synagogue is more than a house of prayer. It is the nexus of our community, connecting the religious, spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual. At the cornerstone of this campaign is the establishment of the Center for Jewish Life, a centralized programming hub with modern space for communal experiences in a personalized, meaningful, and interconnected manner. An investment in these funds will enable us to expand our offerings and continue to serve all facets of our community no matter what the world looks like around us.
  • Establish the Center for Jewish Life by renovating current facilities to create a modern space for Beth Tfiloh programs
  • Establish an endowment fund to provide reliable support for future program needs
  • Establish an endowment fund to strengthen Beth Tfiloh overall by supporting religious services and membership accessibility
OUR HOME $1,000,000
  • Employ thoughtful, semi-permanent design elements in the Dahan Sanctuary to create a more intimate atmosphere
  • Address sound needs and reopen the skylight for improved natural lighting
  • Install a permanent timeline exhibition that tells the story of Beth Tfiloh


Our school is a pipeline for future Jewish leaders. BT provides students with a strong education grounded in Jewish tradition and identity. To ensure our school continues to remain a competitive option for Jewish families, we must invest in the core of BT — our facility, our faculty and our students.  Doing so will enhance our ability to recruit and retain students, sustain our school’s rigor, and ensure BT remains affordable for all families.
  • Athletics Facilities: Renovate the Gymnasium, explore the feasibility of a new turf field, and expand current fitness center
  • Upper School Library: Renovate and expand the Macks Library with enhanced technological capabilities; redesign to maximize teachers and students formal and informal use of the space
  • Support teacher recruitment and retention through competitive compensation offerings, focusing on STEM teachers in particular
  • Increase opportunities for professional learning and growth
  • Strengthen administration by promoting seasoned faculty and hiring key support personnel
  • Expand and enhance offerings in academic support
  • Offer resources to support families’ expenses associated with support services and educational testing
  • Continue to expand financial aid resources and scholarships
  • Strengthen support to meet the social-emotional needs of our students and families


Centennial Campaign Impact

The following Beth Tfiloh facility upgrades and program endowments have been funded by the following generous Centennial Campaign supporters:

Named and Dedicated Facility Upgrades

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • SHUL

    • Russel Center for Jewish Programming
    • Abraham and Faye Adler Memorial Makom
    • Coplin Children's Chapel
    • Rabbi's Office dedicated in honor of Edward and Phyllis Gordon

    • Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Library
    • Coby's Playground dedicated by Avigail and Justin Rosemore
    • Military Wall of Honor dedicated by Stacy and Louis Schwartz
    • Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame Wall dedicated by the Kazin Family
    • Faith and Dr. Ed Wolf Bio-Tech Center
    • Marvin H. Weiner Gymnasium
    • Jacob Benus Memorial Athletic Field

Named Program Endowments

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • SHUL

    • Russel Center Program Endowment
    • Nelson and Phyllis Neuman Kiddush Endowment
    • Helene and Stanley Z. Penn Lecture
    • Nathan and Louise Schwartz Scholar-in-Residence
    • Deborah and Louis Baer Shul Membership Endowment
    • Silverstein Synagogue Family Membership Subsidy Endowment
    • Evening of Learning in memory of Sandy Vogel

    • David and Barbara B. Hirschorn Foundation Faculty Endowment
    • Russel Faculty Endowment
    • The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation Endowment for Faculty Tuition Assistance
    • Rachelle Silverstein Student Support Endowment
    • Deborah and Louis Baer endowment for Social and Emotional Support Services
    • Ezra Seegull Leadership and Advocacy endowment
    • Marshall and Sarellen Levin Music endowment
    • Levinoff Family Educational Enhancement Endowment
    • Kresin Steinberg Family Tehillim Program Endowment

“While sitting shiva for my father, I found myself being adopted and accepted by the Beth Tfiloh community in a way that reminded me of the way my parents accepted people. Everyone was glad to see me, everyone just accepted me. I truly felt cared for, which made me really want to give back. My family has supported the kiddush fund and the whole point of that, for me, was to recreate what Friday night dinner felt like at my parents’ house – being cared for, fed, and schmoozing with your friends and family.”
– Ricka Neuman

“Beth Tfiloh has always been a part of our family. My mother grew up going to Beth Tfiloh and attended the Hebrew school there. After losing her husband at 33 years old, BT helped my mom to carry on the plans they’d had for their three children to have strong Jewish roots here. My sisters and I have had our lifecycle events here, we came to shul, attended and graduated Hebrew school. Rabbi Wohlberg officiated Scott’s and my wedding. We feel like we always want to be part of Beth Tfiloh, and for it to be around for future generations of our family. There’s no better place to invest in the future.”

– Emily Levin

“We designated our Centennial Campaign gift to benefit two funds: one to help people who can’t afford membership dues, especially younger families who are struggling, so they also can be part of the Beth Tfiloh family. The other is a fund that will allow the school to provide additional resources to students who need more help with reading, math, or just adjusting to school. Debbi and I made these gifts because we believe very firmly both in BT’s mission and the way BT carries out its mission.”
– Louis A. Baer

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Learning together. For life.
Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.