Empty Nester Chavurah

Beth Tfiloh’s Empty Nester Chavurah is a group of BT members who have adult children no longer living at home. The Chavurah meets once a month at a member’s home to socialize and participate in Jewish-related learning activities. Please contact Roberta Katz (rkatz@btfiloh, 410-413-2305) for more information or to join the group.

2023-2024 Schedule
December 17Heidi & Paul GoldbergRabbi Jason Goldstein, Yosef & His Brothers: A Story of Forgiveness
January 28Marcia & Marc LeaveyMarc Leavey / Heart Health
February 25Roberta & Ron KatzDinner at Serengeti
March 17Sandy & Keith KanterPhil Jacobs
April 14Paula & Mike PearlAuthor Anne Pfeffer / Not my Story
May 19Barbara & Ed GerberRebbetzin Phaygi Yoggev / Self Defense
June 23Carol & Carl OppenheimPlanning & games
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