Terrific Two’s Recycled Graggers

What better way to perform a mitzvah than by enhancing it with another mitzvah!

Instead of offering their students a standard array of arts & crafts notions, this year Morah Rena Rank and Morah Beth Bluman thought they’d let the Terrific Two’s let their imaginations run wild. The class took a walk down BT Street to the PreSchool’s recycling boxes, where the students picked out different items to design their own graggers, learning an important lesson about avoiding ba’al tashchit—needlessly wasting resources—along the way.

The creative cuties decorated the outside of their graggers by using recycled buttons, crayons, markers, feathers, and foam shapes that came from the classroom. For the noise-making fillings, the children chose sea shells, buttons, rice and beans. Their container choices included egg cartons, VHS cassette boxes, baby food jars, perfume jars, oatmeal canisters, chow main noodles packages, juice bottles, and a paper bag. One student really embraced the spirit of the project, opting to recycle the yogurt container from her own lunch!

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Learning together. For life.
Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.