Yaffe Zoom Series: A New Approach to Prayer with Rabbi Elie Kaunfer
Explore some of the most fundamental and timely Jewish values: connecting with prayer, loving your neighbor, pursuing righteousness, and more with the goal of transforming these oft quoted mitzvot into major sources of inspiration and daily practice in your Jewish life in this Zoom series?
“God, Open My Lips...” (Psalms 51:17). Where do the phrases from the Siddur come from and what significance do they have for us in our moments of triumph and need? Just in time for High Holidays, we will analyze the first blessing of the amidah as a way of approaching the question: how might we understand the words of our most familiar prayers in a new light?
Rabbi Elie Kaunfer is President and CEO of the Hadar Institute. Elie has previously worked as a journalist, banker, and corporate fraud investigator. A graduate of Harvard College, he completed his doctorate in liturgy at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he was also ordained. He has been named multiple times to Newsweek’s list of the top 50 rabbis in America. He was selected as an inaugural AVI CHAI Fellow, and is the author of Empowered Judaism: What Independent Minyanim Can Teach Us About Building Vibrant Jewish Communities (Jewish Lights, 2010). He also received semikha from his long-time teacher, Rav Daniel Landes. Elie serves on the board of Natan and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and on the advisory board of Upstart.
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Add to Calendar 09/05/2023 07:30 PM09/05/2023 08:30 PMAmerica/New_YorkYaffe Zoom Series: A New Approach to Prayer with Rabbi Elie KaunferJoin our first Yaffe Zoom session!Zoom
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