Shabbat Table Talk for Parents of Teens and Young Adults

A three-part series for parents of teens and young adults.
Explore the Jewish Social, Emotional and Spiritual Learning (SESL) skills needed to raise resilient, patient, kind, responsible and empathetic Jewish teens. Join expert speakers in this series of Shabbat afternoon talks to learn how to model, build, and practice SESL skills that will deeply enrich and inspire your Jewish parenting.
November 18 –A Jewish Approach to Responsible-Decision Making with Dr. Nancy Parkes, EdD.
Help your teen make responsible decisions through an introduction to social and emotional learning practices. Dr. Parkes will offer Jewish touchpoints and texts for us to think through how emotions can hijack decisions, as well as the core competencies of self-regulation that shape responsible teens.

Add to Calendar 11/18/2023 11:30 AM 11/18/2023 12:30 PM America/New_York Shabbat Table Talk for Parents of Teens and Young Adults Explore the Jewish Social, Emotional and Spiritual Learning (SESL) skills needed to raise resilient, patient, kind, responsible and empathetic Jewish teens. Beth Tfiloh Congregation
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