Show up for Israel – An Evening of Action, Inspiration, Advocacy & Prayer

Join us for a BT community-wide opportunity to show up – do acts of chesed, learn how to best advocate for Israel, and do a mitzvah in merit of someone in need. This will be an evening of inspiration, strength & prayer as we come together as a community to raise our hearts and our voices for the Jewish people.
Activity booths will be from 7:30-8:20pm, followed by song, prayer and uplifting words from our Rabbis and teachers.  
Activities include:
Learn their stories and write letters to Israelis who are grieving.
Email your senator and congressperson to make a difference under the guidance of AIPAC.
Assemble bracelet kits for displaced children or design a Tefillat Haderech keychain for the IDF.
Equip yourself with Israel advocacy skills facilitated by StandWithUs
Support Lone Soldiers and their families with FIDF (Friends of the IDF).
Take on a Mitzvah – choose a mitzvah to take on in merit of the situation in Israel.
This event is geared towards the entire BT school and congregation community, high school-aged and above.
We encourage registration HERE.

Add to Calendar 11/6/2023 7:30 PM 11/6/2023 9:00 PM America/New_York Show up for Israel – An Evening of Action, Inspiration, Advocacy & Prayer Join us for a BT community-wide opportunity to show up for Israel with chesed, prayer, song & strength Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Celebrating the Joy of Judaism. Embracing all Jews.
One of the leading Modern Orthodox synagogues in America, with a diverse membership, and an extensive offering of religious services, classes and year-round Jewish programming for all ages.