Yaffe Scholars - Zoom Series: Times for Transformation

Holidays commemorate the past and give us pause to contemplate our future. Join renowned guest scholars and explore important themes and timely messages of some of the Jewish and secular holidays to inspire personal growth and change. 

Selma 1965 : Lessons for the Jewish Community of 2023
Rabbi Saul J. Berman, then a rabbi in Berkeley CA, spent a week in March 1965 in Selma, Alabama. He was aiding local Black people in overcoming barriers to voting, educational attainment and economic opportunity, for which he was arrested twice. What can we learn today from the Black-Jewish alliance of the 1960s?

Attend the ZOOM Event HERE 


Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Learning together. For life.
Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.