Seventh Grade's Poetry Master Class with Mr. Richard Morgan

What is a poem and how do you write one?

BT grandparent and poet Richard Morgan answered those questions for Mrs. Maureen Jaffe's seventh grade English classes.

The Three Dont's:
  1. Don't sit down to write a poem – that's too scary
  2. Don't think about the grade you will get with your finished poem – that stifles creativity
  3. Don't let rhyme fule the line. There's nothing wrong with rhyme, it's just very hard.
The Three Do's:
  1. Simply set down words and phrases tha texpress the feeling or experience you wish to tell.
  2. Next, organize your words into poetic lines and stanzas.
  3. Now expand on your words. Write for yourself, but rewrite for your reader. Poets rewrite their words many, many times. Much of editing (rewriting) is pruning.
Learn more about Mr. Morgan and read his poetry here

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

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Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.