NHS Induction

In order to be considered for membership, students must demonstrate outstanding scholarship by maintaining a cumulative, unweighted average of 3.6 adjusted for each honors or AP course. In addition, a student must demonstrate leadership and commitment to service by being a leader in one school organization or by being an active participant in two organizations (one of the two may be a sports team). One activity may be outside of school but the student must demonstrate strong leadership qualities. No student who has been the subject of a disciplinary action during the first trimester will be considered for membership, and all members must complete the community service requirement each year. In addition, successful candidates must meet the highest standard of character and ethical conduct. This includes accepting criticism, respect, courtesy, honesty, responsibility, and being helpful to others.


Mazel Tov to the following students who were inducted this spring:


11th Grade - Max Cardin, Ayelet Hamburger, Kaila Hough, Dean Kaplan.


10th Grade - Rebecca Abbott, Joshua August, Dara Baker, Adiva Berkowitz, Max Chason, Michelle Czinn, Michal Denburg, Evan Eisenberg, Zoe Eisenberg, Emily Eisner, Noah Ferentz, Jacob Finglass, Ellie Goldenberg, Ari Goldstein, Samuel Hirsh, Alexandra Kadish, Dara Kramer, Dakota Katz, Andrew Lebowitz, Ilana Lehmann, Ian Lever, Ilana Levin, Eric Manski, Emily Miller, Rachel Peters, Andrew Sabintsev, Joseph Schwartz, Talia Schwartz, Ashley Sefret, Jake Shapiro, Adam Sharp, Max Spitz, Mark Stein, Samuel Sturner, Daniel White, Yaniv Yaffe, Gabriel Zuckerberg.



Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Learning together. For life.
Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.