Public & Permanent-Internet Safety

The goal of the program is to empower us as parents through gaining knowledge on how to promote responsible use of digital tools as we support each other in helping our children make safe decisions.
This seminar will feature guest speaker Richard Guerry. Mr. Guerry is the author of multiple cyber safety books and has been a featured speaker at numerous national and international conferences.
Mr. Guerry will be presenting to all Middle School students during the school day on, Thursday March 15th as well. He will help students understand how to safely use social media and to be careful of oversharing behaviors along with many other current Cyber issues.  Please see flyer for additional information.
There is no greater care we can show our children than concern and interest in their health and well-being.  Please R.S.V.P by clicking here.

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School

Learning together. For life.
Baltimore’s only Jewish independent preparatory school serving PreSchool through Grade 12.